Walk With Us - Bagley Community Patrol

AmeriCorps (through Wayne State University and State of Michigan) has started a door to door campaign to get people involved block by block.
The Bagley Community Council is participating in this. A neighborhood patrol gives us a direct line to the police department. With other block groups that have neighborhood patrols, when one of them calls the police, the police respond quickly.

No one can protect your house and your neighborhood like you can. Be a part of the decisions that are made about the community you live in. Your presence can deter crime. Want to leave in a safe area? It starts with you. Get involved and make it safe. The BAGLEY COMMUNITY PATROL IS ACTIVE

Please click HERE to fill out the radio patrol application. There will be a background check done by the Detroit Police Department. Please read below:
1.      You should fill out the application as legibly a possible (PRINT)
2.      This helps assist the Detroit Police Department to process the applications as quickly as possible.
3.      The  “Name” and “Driver’s License Number” must be included to process an application.
4.      The application must be signed.
5.      Name of the Radio Patrol you plan to join = “Bagley Community Patrol”
6.      Once the form is filled out you can turn the form in one of three ways: 
a.      Scan the document and e-mail it to: BagleyCommunityCouncil@Yahoo.com
b.      Turn the form in at a Bagley Community Patrol meeting
c.      Contact  the Bagley Community Council hotline (313) 927-2674 to make special   arrangement.
7.      You should allow five (5) business days for the application to be processed.

"Make a difference!  I challenge you to let the criminals know crime isn't easy in Bagley!"
Aren't you *TIRED* of the crime? Stop complaining. Take action, be a part of the solution.

Residents can track crime in their neighborhoods by using Crime Mapping. Register your email at http://www.crimemapping.com.  We recommend you use the address of Bagley School rather than your home address (8100 Curtis Street, Detroit MI, 48221)

While you are patrolling if you see high grass, weeds, trash around a vacant home copy down the address and cross streets, please report the home 876-0974 / Lot 628-0918. If a house is vacant/open to trespass copy down the address and cross streets, please report the home 224-3215. The reports can be done anonymously. If you don't want to report the homes yourself, leave a message on the Bagley Community hotline (313) 927-2674.